VENTS company released a new series of exhaust centrifugal roof fans with EC motors VKV EC and VKH EC.
Due to integrated electronically commutated motors energy demand is reduced by 1.5 – 3 times whereas maximum air capacity remains as high as 11400 m3/h. The fans are featured by well controllable total speed range and low noise level that makes the new products suit well for ventilation systems with high demands to noise level, e.g. residential premises, child care facilities. The fans are designed for roof mounting. Such motor design is the most leading energy saving solution.
The new products are also designed for installation in various premises that require economical controllable exhaust ventilation.
The fans are controlled with external control signal 0-10 V. Air capacity (speed) is controlled depending on indoor temperature level, pressure, smoke content and other parameters. As the control factor value is changed the electronically commutated motor changes the rotation speed accordingly and boosts the required air flow to the ventilation system. Several fans can be integrated into a centralized building control network and each fan in the network can be programmed individually.
The fan casing consists of high-quality polymer-coated steel with high corrosion-resistant properties or from natural aluminium. The roof fan series are available both in vertical (VKV EC) or horizontal modification (VKH EC) depending on air exhaust direction.