
Interview with Pyotr Singayevsky, the director of company "Belvest Trade"

Ukraine is going through some challenging times. A lingering economic downturn has had an adverse effect on every single industry without an exception, and that, unfortunately, had a toll on the HVAC industry as well. How is the ventilation industry coping? We addressed this and many other questions to Pyotr Singayevsky, the director of Kyiv-based company "Belvest Trade".

Pyotr Petrovich, how long has your company been in the business and what kind of services does it offer?

Since 1999 when "Belvest Trade" was established we have earned a solid reputation in the Ukrainian climatic equipment market. We offer a full range of ventilation and air conditioning equipment design, installation, manufacturing and commissioning services. Our clients include state-owned companies, major companies, banks and other businesses.

What is your opinion on the current state of the climatic systems market?

I have to admit that there has been a substantial slump causing a more fierce competition among installation companies and creating new challenges. However, there is still a lot of business left for hard-working installers with a passionate commitment to quality.

Which market segment is your company after? And which segments show highest business activity?

Our company covers all the market segments targeting industrial, commercial and domestic users. Our projects include a wide range of applications – from small cottages and flats to huge productions shops. Still, the commercial segment remains the most lucrative by far. I will even go as far saying that this is our principal area of business which we have focused on for all these years.

The domestic segment has a lower potential compared to the commercial one, but it still looks quite promising. Although it has suffered from a certain recession lately, we are still getting a lot of orders which won't take care of themselves.

And, finally, the industrial market which has been in the doldrums for quite some time. The industrial sector is going through a sustained slowdown as industrial construction projects are put on hold whereas the operators of existing facilities are straining their old services which, naturally, include ventilation systems.  Nevertheless, the amount of work completed by "Belvest Trade" in this segment still remains quite impressive.

What are the most significant trends in today's climatic systems market?

Without doubt it is the pervasive adoption of energy-saving technology which has become a mainstream trend today. As energy prices reached a new high for the recent years consumers naturally turned to more efficient climatic equipment. Today heat energy recovery and low power consumption have become the most important considerations while choosing ventilation equipment.

Interestingly, the market has also been showing an increased interest in Ukrainian-made equipment which used to play second fiddle to imported offerings.  Ukrainian manufacturers have finally managed to offer the same level of quality and technology at more competitive prices.

What factors do you think are still inhibiting the growth of the Ukrainian climatic equipment market? What problems are typical?

The biggest challenge, perhaps, is the grave state of economy which is due to a multitude of factors including the armed conflict in the East. This has an adverse effect on our industry due to its tight integration with the national economy. Very few decision-makers are considering long-term development and investment opportunities since large-scale projects involve too many risks. Unsurprisingly, a lot of our projects have been put on the back burner or lean financing.

What ventilation equipment has enjoyed a steady demand despite of all challenges?

In the recent couple of years there has been an increased demand for air handling units with high heat recovery efficiency, good sound insulation and installation convenience. There has also been a shift towards less expensive equipment. As the national currency devalued some imported equipment has become prohibitively expensive causing an interest in locally made products.

How does locally made equipment – and VENTS equipment in particular – compare to foreign competition?

Ukrainian-made equipment is specifically tailored to meet the contemporary requirements and demands of the local market. Today VENTS is the undisputed leader in the local ventilation equipment market. The company has earned its reputation for producing an extremely diverse selection of equipment in various standard sizes and variants to precisely meet the needs of a wide range of applications. Importantly, this diversity comes at a competitive price.

In addition to that "VENTILATION SYSTEMS" offers very reasonable production times, maintains substantial inventory stocks and provides quick and efficient resolution of warranty-related issues.