
Meet the brand new most up-to-date energy saving single room ventilation equipment - MICRA 60!

We are glad to inform you that we have started serial manufacturing of the presented earlier concept of the single-room air handling unit with heat recovery MICRA 60.

MICRA 60 is the best solution not only for arrangement of efficient ventilation system in your house but a way to decrease energy demand and heating costs significantly which is of utmost importance for moderate and temperate continental climatic areas.

Due to high-efficient aluminium heat exchanger the extract air heat recuperating efficiency reaches 78%. The unit is equipped with a EC fan featured with low energy demand and silent operation.

Because of extremely easy mounting MICRA 60 is suitable for installation in any premises at any construction stage, starting from design development, including interior refurbishment of readymade premises and finishing with scheduled repair works.

More information on the new product you can find in our product catalogue.