
New product group: smoke extraction and ventilation products

According to conclusive evidence the majority of mortalities in a fire are caused by poisoning from carbon monoxide and other combustion products. Fires in closed spaces, where oxygen supply is limited, are especially prone to intensive carbon monoxide generation. Smoke spreads much faster than fire, therefore causing loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest before the victim reaches the safety outdoors. Smoke extraction system is an integral part of engineering system design for high-rise buildings, trade and office premises, hospitals, manufacturing, warehouse and other premises, including underground spaces.

This year VENTS offers an absolutely new product line, specifically designed for smoke extraction and ventilation. It includes smoke extraction fans, smoke exhaust dampers, fire-resisting dampers, and pressurization fans, each of those performing an individual and important function.

The VKDV, VKDH smoke extraction fans with vertical or horizontal air discharge and the VKT smoke extraction roof chimney fan that boosts extraction of smoke fume gases are used in emergency extract ventilation for forced extraction of smoke, hot gases and removal of heat that is generated during the fire outside of a place of ignition. The smoke extraction fans are used in manufacturing, public, residential, administrative and other premises. The fans are capable of transporting smoke and air mixtures with the temperature up to +600 °C.

The KPD and KPDU smoke exhaust dampers installed on the protected premises accept smoke fumes and channel them into smoke shafts. Such devices are equipped with electromagnetic or electric actuators. The dampers are rated according to the fire-resistance limit which can vary up to 180 minutes at the smoke temperature of 600 °С.

The KP-1, KP-2 and PL fire-resisting dampers are installed in exhaust ventilation and general ventilation systems to prevent the spread of fire hazards (fire and smoke fumes). Such units are equipped with an electric actuator or a thermal lock.

The Aluvent and Thermovent ventilation air ducts are intended for transferring smoke fumes from the protected premises away from the building. The air ducts are made of non-combustible materials.

The VCUN pressurization fans are intended for creating a positive pressure differential in lift shafts, at landings and in air-lock corridors to prevent their contamination by smoke.