
New uniform for a new feel of the job

Being an important element of a company's corporate image stylish high-quality clothes also ensure convenience, comfort and safety of its workers. To further improve the working conditions VENTS has recently adopted a new uniform standard.

The initiative was implemented within the framework of a long-term strategy aimed at improving the production practices at the facility. The new standard provides for a broader range of uniform models, introduction of items designed specifically for men and women, attention to detail such as pockets and better overall quality and durability.

The new uniform sets have been issued to the first 200 employees of the company with plans to cover the entire staff in the near future. The company technicians and engineers will be issued with lined jackets and vests as well as shop coats. The personnel involved in various production processes will be issued new uniform sets: men will get bib-and-brace overalls, jackets and T-shirts while women will get trouser suits and T-shirts and shorts for the warm season.

According to Vitaliy Svirid, Head of Labour Safety Department, many company employees have highly appreciated the new uniforms for its comfort and contemporary looks.

"As the first batches of the new uniforms were purchased this summer, we haven't been able to receive comprehensive feedback from our staff. However, the initial response has been quite positive", says Vitaliy Svirid.