
The World’s Ventilation Leader – VENTS Represents Its Revolutionary New Supply-and-Exhaust Ventilation Equipment

Ventilation Systems, JSC keeps widening its energy-efficient line of products and recently they have started serial production of new supply-and-exhaust device, which is now more affordable for bigger number of customers, whose budget gets optimized under the negative financial sphere phenomena impact.

Vents’announced compact Vents VUT series novelty is completed with EC-motors and a unique recuperator which provides 96% of warm air to be rolled back inside with income air stream. This allows private individual as well as SME ventures save up to 50% energy consumed while warming dwellings, offices and production facilities. All of them made a right choice.

Due to improved technical data of the device you will experience its advantages: much higher energy-efficiency level, the data and operating efficiency apt correlation is reasonably recommended to be applied even in the apartments of multistoried buildings.

Currently devices of Vents VUT series are offered at the markets of Europe, Russian Federation and Ukraine. Ventilation Systems, JSC representatives actively demonstrate these models at specialized exhibitions and «How to Mount and Run» trainings.