
VENTS at the exhibition «Inter Clima-tech – Egypt 2010»

The company "Vents" jointly with their partner, the company "Airovents for Eng. Co." participated in the first-rate international exhibition in the industry of heating, water supply, conditioning and ventilation "Inter Clima-Tech" that was hold from 11th till 14th of May in the exhibition center of the capital of Egypt Cairo.

This year our stand was visited by more than 800 specialists of HVAC industry and its area was double compared to the previous year.

The company "Vents" represented the domestic ventilation equipment as well as industrial and commercial equipment.

Now the trade mark "VENTS" that is well known abroad and is the market leader in Egypt, became the quality standard. Great variety of products, fans and accessories as well as the best price-quality trade-off contributes to solving any tasks in the design of ventilation project.

During the exhibition a number of marketing activities for the presentation of the advanced technology air handling units AHU, series AirVents was performed. The implementation of the project let the company come to the new stage of the sales development in this region and become the original equipment supplier starting from the domestic fans and ending up with such complex automated units of AirVents series, and thus, to confirm once again our leading positions.