"Ventilation systems" has commenced extending and upgrading its shop tasked with the production of single-block air handing units. Once completed, the project will enable the company to implement new product assembly technology and ramp up production.
According to the research conducted by "Climate World" magazine, in the next few years the demand for air handling units in Europe is to grow about 7 % each year. The positive dynamic of the demand for this type of equipment and the growing popularity of VENTS brand were the main reasons behind the decision of "Ventilation Systems" to upgrade its single-block air handling unit shop.
The company has recently commissioned a new high-capacity conveyor line to boost production of small and medium-size air handling units at the shop. At present "Ventilation Systems" is preparing new production facilities to include 10 production lines. The shop will also house a dedicated warehouse to specifically cater for the needs of the production unit. Thanks to the state-of-the-art equipment and AHU assembly technology the company expects to improve the manufacturability and the quality of its products, increase the output and provide the shop personnel with more comfortable working conditions.
The total floor area of the new production facility is 3,500 square metres. "Ventilation Systems" is set to complete the equipment upgrading and commissioning of the new production facilities at the single-block air handling unit shop in summer 2020.
Note: all the photographs and videos pre-date 12 March 2020 when quarantine restrictions were imposed in Ukraine.