
VENTS holds seminar at the exhibition «Aqua-Therm Kyiv 2010»

The seminar on the ventilating equipment of “Vents” production will be held on 14th of May in the International exhibition center within the framework of the exhibition “Aqua-Therm Kyiv 2010” “VENTS” is a world renowned trade mark for the production of ventilating equipment for domestic and industrial application. The company «Ventilation systems» invites their customers, friends and partners to the International exhibition center for the exhibition “Aqua-Therm Kyiv 2010” from 12th till 15th of May, 2010.

Exhibition stand of the trade mark VENTS «Cool Clima Kyiv» № 3/6-192.

The seminar will be held on 14th of May 2010.

We invite all concerned to take part in the seminar “Effective ventilation and conditioning solutions with the VENTS air handling units application”.

The participation in the seminar is free.

We are looking forward to meeting you at our seminar on 14th of May, 2010. Visit us at:

Brovarsky prospect 15, Kyiv

International exhibition center

Showroom no. 1, conference-hall no. 5 (entrance on the part of metro station Levoberezhnaya).

Opening: at 13.00, closing: 14.00