The Company has produced a new series of extract fans for round ducts – the VENTS KSF K2 EC units with the air flow of 353-1682 m³/h.
The VENTS KSF K2 EC fans have an impeller with forward curved blades. This detail, together with the thermal- and sound- mineral wool insulation, makes them the most noiseless ventilation units. Depending on the fan model, the sound pressure level makes up 33-41 dBA, which is much lower than the average noise level in living premises. This parameter makes the VENTS KSF K2 EC series a good solution for air extraction in premises, where low noise level is required (offices, meeting rooms, waiting rooms, hotel rooms, etc.).
Having the same connecting diameter, compatible with the fans of other series, the VENTS KSF 150 K2 EC, VENTS KSF 160 K2 EC and VENTS KSF 200 K2 EC units show better performance. Consequently, a client can choose the necessary air flow rate, using a minimum of space. Moreover, it is more cost effective to buy ø 150-200 mm air ducts and fittings than larger component parts.
Due to a compact size of a casing, the VENTS KSF K2 EC units can be mounted behind a suspended ceiling. The casing is made of aluzinc, which makes it corrosion-resistant. Its cover can be easily opened, which provides a comfortable use of the unit.
In the VENTS KSF K2 EC fans the electronically commutated motors (EC motors) are applied. The motors are equipped with an electronic circuit board, providing long-term service life, high efficiency and smooth speed control (by the 0-10 V speed controller).