
VENTS takes part in NAS Conference on Energy Conservation

On 25 November the National Academy of Sciences hosted the academic and research conference entitled “Comprehensive Implementation of Innovative Technology: a Viable Solution for Preventing Ukraine's Energy Sector Collapse”.

The conference was participated by leading researchers, developers, post-graduate students and private sector representatives from Ukraine and abroad. The program included the report on heat recovery technology used in ventilation industry and in VENTS' products in particular and the presentation of TwinFresh line of energy-efficient ventilators delivered by Valentin Tolchenov, a VENTS project manager.

The conference was aimed at raising public awareness of the extreme importance of energy efficiency and suggesting practical solutions among managers of state institutions, local councils and industrial companies. Implementing innovative energy-efficient technology leads to a more rational use of natural resources, reducing operational costs and spending budget and other available funds much more efficiently.

Being a ventilation market leader with a large-scale research and industrial facility comprising a unique climatic laboratory, VENTS takes an active part in academic and research events to present its state-of-the-art ventilation solutions which utilize cutting-edge technology for class-leading energy efficiency.

Mr Tolchenov's report stressed the urgency of reducing heat losses in older buildings as well as offered a number of practical solutions and methods for dealing with the problem. The presenter analysed potential ways of improving ventilaiton energy efficiency in construction, talked about the latest high-tech products developed by VENTS and provided a brief introduction into the operating principle of energy-recovery ventilation systems. In particular, Mr Tolchenov covered the most popular types of recuperators and heat regenerators, touched upon their design peculiarities and operating principle.

«Spaces with PVC window frames can become completely air-tight. The inhabitants inevitably breathe in their own metabolic byproducts and hazardous substances released by construction materials suffering from acute lack of oxygen. To make the experience more agreeable people open windows causing enormous heat losses in the cold season. On a national scale such losses reach a truly astronomical scale. One should not forget that besides straining the economy heat generation directly affects the country's entire ecosystem. In the modern civilized world there are mandatory requirements for proper ventilation in residential spaces. Those, of course, stimulate ventilation technology development. Being the largest European manufacturer of ventilation equipment VENTS is keenly focused on the latest international trends in energy conservation offering a broad range of energy-saving equipment which enables up to 90% of the heat recovery. Therefore, a consistent global implementation of energy-efficient ventilation solutions in the construction industry will definitely help to turn the crisis around», said Valentin Tolchenov.