
We are working! VENTS policy in response to COVID-19 pandemic

The current global situation ushers in a new reality for businesses. Being a responsible corporate citizen, we are taking all the necessary steps to adapt and prepare our company for the new challenges.  As always, the health and safety of our employees and customers remain our number one priority.

Changes have been made to our operating procedures in order to minimize the risks for the health of our team members. All the employees who are able to work out of home are now working remotely. Those who are still manning their stations on site have been provided with all the necessary means of individual protection and informed about the safety protocols in place. In line with the best social distancing practices we have created working conditions where people are able to keep a safe distance from one another. All the people working at our facility undergo thermal screening. We have also introduced regular disinfection procedures for our production equipment, working surfaces and floors. We would like to thank all our employees for their support and understanding of the extraordinary measures being taken to ensure their maximum comfort and safety.

We also realize that our efforts are essential to the success of our partners who rely on our products.  Since ventilation plays a key role in combating the spread of viral infections, the availability and proper operation of ventilation equipment have become even more important as ever before. Many countries worldwide are relentlessly building mobile hospitals and upgrading the existing health facilities which require the most effective and safe ventilation systems available on the market.

In order to continue supplying our ventilation equipment to our global customers we keep our factory running, collect orders and supply our products as scheduled. All our communications channels remain open with the exception of face-to-face contacts. Keeping with the current legislation, the applicable regulations and the recommendations from health authorities, we have completely resorted to remote interactions with our partners. Please feel free to contact us through video conferencing services, by phone, email or instant messenger of choice.

We are constantly following the latest updates from government agencies and health institutions, and will keep you informed about any and all of the important changes in our operations.