
VENTS goes to school

VENTILATION SYSTEMS has recently taken part in a comprehensive project for reducing waste and inefficiency in central heating systems of Kyiv secondary school No. 264 producing and delivering more than 100 unique pieces of energy-saving ventilation equipment. The upgrades will help ensure a comfortable microclimate all year round and reduce the heating costs in the winter.

Achieving the modern levels of energy savings is impossible without adopting a comprehensive policy for improving energy efficiency of buildings and structures. Such activities result in a considerable reduction of thermal losses and significant energy savings. Boosting energy efficiency is extremely important for educational facilities with large floor area and a high percentage of thermal losses.

A few years ago the Kyiv city municipal authorities launched a comprehensive program for reducing waste and inefficiency in central heating systems to make pre-school, primary and secondary school facilities more energy efficient. The summer of 2016 marked the commencement of work specific to improving the energy efficiency of six secondary schools in the capitol including school No. 264 in 8G Honoré de Balzac street. In addition to adding external heat insulation to the walls, replacing the windows and doors, and installing more efficient lighting units the project provided for upgrading the ventilation systems to state-of-the-art energy-saving ventilation equipment by VENTS.

According to Lavr Kotelkov, the Head of complex Climatic Engineering and Design Solutions Department of VENTS, the company engineers made a unique suite of ventilation equipment which included four AirVENTS air handling units, 98 VENTS MICRA 150 E KP single-space air handling units, VKM duct fans and a matching number of industrial ventilation accessories. "This equipment will provide an ample amount of fresh air for the students and teachers to breathe and ensure an even comfortable temperature across the entire building", said Lavr Kotelkov.

All the upgrades specific to the School No. 264 project were completed on time by the beginning of the new school year. As a result the school heating bills which used to reach UAH 1.5 million will be reduced almost two-fold.